Paperless Nursing: Digital transformation in patient care documentation

Lloyds Pharmacy Clinical Homecare (LPCH) is proud to announce an evolution in its patient care documentation processes, marking a significant step forward in its ongoing commitment to providing exceptional care to patients.
In an era where efficiency and security are paramount, LPCH has embraced technological improvements by digitising traditional paper-based forms used by its nursing team during home visits. This transformation is integrated within its patient management system, Navision, ensuring all patient data is securely managed and accessible in one place. This digital leap allows LPCH nurses to access and update patient records remotely, review previous visit notes, prescriptions, patient status, and history in real-time.
This not only streamlines the documentation process but also guarantees a seamless continuation of care for patients, eliminating the need for physical storage of documents in the patient’s home, whilst supporting environmental sustainability efforts.

Jo Upton, Director of Nursing and Clinical Services at LPCH, said:

“This is a landmark moment for LloydsPharmacy Clinical Homecare. Our move to digitise patient care documentation is a testament to our unwavering dedication to enhancing patient care through innovation. By maintaining the continuity of care, while ensuring the integrity and security of patient information, we are not only setting new standards for home healthcare but also empowering our healthcare professionals to deliver care that is both effective and deeply compassionate.”


Digital transformation in patient care documentation

Importantly, the documentation process will remain consistent with established procedures, and the transition to digital does not alter the rigorous standards of reporting. Upon completion of the documentation, Navision automatically generates a report which is then securely transmitted to the referring clinician by the treating nurse via the server. Additionally, to ensure patients have the necessary documents at hand, a copy of the prescription form will continue to be included with the drug delivery to the patient’s home.

Digital transformation in patient care documentation

This initiative reflects LPCH’s focus on leveraging technology to enhance patient care, improving operational effectiveness, and upholding the highest standards of data security and patient privacy.

Paperless Nursing: Digital transformation in patient care documentation