Horsham healthcare centre

Based in Tesco supermarket car park our Horsham healthcare centre is one of our most accessible. Patients can access clinical treatments for oncology, that they would usually have to go to hospital for.

Where to find us

Tesco car park, Wickhurst Ln, Broadbridge Heath, Horsham RH12 3YU

Opening hours


Bringing your treatments closer to home

With dedicated free parking right outside our centres, patients don’t need to arrive early or get flustered waiting for a parking space or walk very far to their treatment setting.

91% of patients start treatment within 10 minutes of arrival
97% of patients said that car parking was more convenient
96% of patients think that the facilities are better
93% of patients prefer the location of the clinic

What our patients say

Our healthcare centres offer patients more choice for their treatments, reducing the anxiety and stress associated with regular hospital visits.

The way my treatment is delivered at the healthcare centre makes me feel more normal again. I’m not a sick person, I’m someone getting better. Sue Sugden
I would recommend it to people as it does give you a different attitude towards the end of treatment after being so low. Linda
I didn’t have the hassle of trying to get parked up at the hospital, I could just go straight to the pharmacy, park up, walk straight in and have my treatment then be on my way Sue

What to expect at our healthcare centres

Award-winning care

We are an award winning, leading provider of clinical services in homes and communities.

View our other healthcare centres